#3. Like A Movie Star

Attract Buyers like a celebrity

A home cannot simply be listed for sale, it must attract the attention of qualified buyers. Otherwise, your house may take longer to sell and you may not get the price you expected.

To find buyers eager to get into a property like yours, we get the word out about your the home to many many people. The goal is to attract serious buyers – so a good offer comes in quickly.

To achieve that success, get the right marketing plan.  We have an 80+ point marketing plan that can be catered to your home and work for you. Here are some of the basics:

In addition, our buyer specialist meet with buyers regularly and we get in touch with everyone who is looking for a property like yours, and encourage them to schedule a viewing. We also reach out to our network of real estate agents from all brokerage companies so that they would bring their clients to know about your property as well.

The latest insights from economists, analysts and national real estate associations giving you the stats, facts and answers to help achieve the best results in the current market.